Senin, 29 September 2014

Reason #23: Because sholat is equipped to run the life in the world

We most often hear and come to say: "prayer (sholat) is the pillar of religion". Remember: religion comes to affairs of the world and the hereafter. So, prayer is a pillar to the world as well the Hereafter.

Prayers cause physical and mental benefits as well. Psychological benefits of prayer is to provide tranquility and peace for those who do, as well as leads become disciplined. Prayer can also train the abilities of concentration, used to clean, and resting nerve. In the mental sphere, making prayer the Prophet Muhammad as a shelter and a resting heart as in his words: "It has been used as spaciousness ruhaniku be in prayer". Also in another hadith: "Let us find rest and peace with prayers, O Bilal ...". For social affairs, for example because silaturrahmi foster prayer performed in congregation.

Physical benefits are numerous. Research Dr. Abdurrahman Al-Umari get that a diligent prayer will get peace and tranquility in the soul, which indicated the balance of hormone production in the body, thus slowing the aging organs. In the prayer movement occurs stretching (stretching) that relaxes the body and blood circulation. With prayer we move more limbs, including the toes and fingers.

In his fervent prayer filled with love of God. Continuous sobriety repeated, embodied in the nature and behavior of polite, patient and understated. There is a spiritual and physical dimensions in prayer.
According to an expert, sitting tasyahud (al-qaadah or julus) stop the flow of the main blood vessels in the legs, so that the blood flow to the brain and other increases, and develop collateral circulation through the veins in the legs. At the time of standing, oxygen saturation by pulse limb 97-100 percent of normal. While sitting with the knee bending approximately 60 degrees, saturation dropped to 93 percent and eventually lost the pulse, saturation is not detected anymore. The main blood flow stopped completely. This results in more blood flow to the brain and vital organs as well as increased metabolism, so that we can work with high concentrations for longer. Blood vessels become more elastic, thus preventing clogging of arteries, veins and the complications of diabetes such as the decay of the foot due to vascular disorders. This seat movement imitated Ergonomic Lifestyle Club Tread Faith with the name "sitting burning".

According to Jameel Kermalli, so many rewards for those who pray. Prayer makes other deeds-deeds be accepted and deeds-deeds pole to the other. Prayers will add sustenance and away from diseases. That is why we are reminded that make prayer as helpers.

A study in the United States asserts, that prayer can give strength to the level of immune people who diligently execute against a variety of diseases, one of which is cancer. Research also confirms the existence of the spiritual benefits, physical and morals are great for people who are diligent prayer. Body of people who pray often contain copious amounts of immune proteins antarlokin. It is a protein that is associated with various types of diseases of aging, and affects the immune system, stress and acute diseases. The researchers believe that worship can menyugesti someone to be patient and resistant to various trials with a tolerant soul and pleasure.

In addition, there are some results of medical research that focuses on prayer movements, for example: ihram takbiratul movement berhasiat blood flow, lymph (lymph) and arm muscle strength. Movement helpful to maintain perfection bowing position and function of the spine (vertebrae corpus) as the body and central nervous buffer. I'tidal which is a variation of posture after bowing and before prostration is exercise good digestion.

At the time of prostration lymph flow is pumped into the neck and armpits. The position of the heart that are on top of the brain causing the oxygen-rich blood can flow up to the brain. Thus, it affects the flow of power fikir someone.

Sitting consists of two kinds, namely iftirosy (tahiyyat early) and tawarruk (tahiyyat end). The difference lies in the position of the feet. Both also have medical benefits. When iftirosy, we rely on the groin connected with nerve nerve ischiadius. This position is to avoid pain in the groin that often causes the sufferer was unable to walk. While sitting tawarruk very good for men because the heel to suppress bladder (urethra), male sex glands (prostate) and the channel of the vas deferens. If done properly, this movement will prevent impotence. *****