Minggu, 28 September 2014


Condition of mosleem community today admitted by Muslim scientists themselves. According to Harun Nasution, there are three historical periods Muslims. First, the classical period (year 650-1250) is characterized by creativity and a high work ethic, Islam politically and economically superior, advanced trade with the West and China, and among friends is a positive figure on the world. Theology that developed in the classical era is sunnatullah theology or theology that is based on natural law (natural law). Secondly, the middle period (year 1250-1800) is characterized by declining work ethic, pessimistic and negative for the world, as well as the development of Sufi Jabariyah, and theology-fatalistic determinists. Finally, the modern period (starting year 1800 - until now) then raised awareness about the weakness of Islam, but it has never again reached the glories such as the classical period.
Countries belonging to the dominant Muslim population in the Organisation of the Islamic Conference with 57 members having such a huge potential, because it controls 70 percent of world energy resources and 40 percent of export material. However, most of the developing countries included in the class even among poor countries. Only nine Muslim countries in the world including in the advanced group. Meanwhile, 40 percent of the world Muslim population is still illiterate and living below the poverty line on less than one dollar per day.
Poverty, economic inequality, and conflict and violence in Muslim lands familiar. This condition is exacerbated by the attitude of Islamic countries that tend is, and selfish. It makes the country vulnerable Muslim face of globalization and just be a group of fringe and brittle.
Sociologist Max Weber who was known for his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, considered that Islam does not produce capitalism. There is no ascetic in Islam, and capitalism has been aborted from the womb of Islam. Slanted stories about Muslims also we hear for example from BB Harring, James L Peacock, Rosemary Firth and Clive Kessler. Harring even mention Islam as cultural intruder.
But Weber considered not scientific opinion. This criticism does not only come from Muslims, even among sociologists themselves. Weber exposure on the ethics of Islam is incorrect and superficial analysis. One of the sociologists who criticize Weber is Bryan S. Turner. Weber assessed treat and interpret Islam in fact very weak not like he was analyzing Calvinism in the Protestant ethic. Another criticism came from Huff and Schluchter that assess search Weber on Islam is not yet complete.
Nurcholis mosque was in line with this criticism. Weber weakness is that he put together the ingredients of the discipline of sociology that only France, but the French people that the sociology of Islam has not been realized, because only the work of individuals colonial officials for indigenous affairs, social researcher amateur, and the Orientalists; instead of the sociology. And that's limited to just the North African region. It is also supported Marshall G.S. Hodgson, an expert on Islamic history and civilization in his book "The Venture of Islam".
Long after the work of Weber, appeared a few posts that mentioned the existence of "Protestant ethic" among Muslims. Example of observation in Muslim Turkey. They found a group of successful entrepreneurs Muslims in the region. This paper calls it the resurrection because of the "Islamic Calvinists."
Purpose of this book
My ultimate goal is that work and hard work is the core of Muslim civilization. Do not be lazy to work hard for fear of being rich, because so much can be done if you are rich. This book is not how to be a hard worker, but why the need to work hard and how to generate a culture of hard work.
To go into rahmatan lil 'alamin, how could be achieved if only hard to take care of themselves. Until now we have always been a nation of debtors and beneficiaries. We should not just poor regardless of the stamp, but must give and share his wealth with others. We should not be dominated, but must take the lead and be the torch. We should no longer colonized nation, but should be lightening civilization. And so on.
A hadith relates that later in the day of Resurrection, the blood of martyrs and the ink of scholars (the magicians) will be weighed. When that moment arrives, there will be a stunning episode, the ink of scholars is more "heavy" (more noble) than the blood of martyrs. Qur'an much glorified among scholars than those predicated believer though. Writing this book was also guided by this Spririt. *****